Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The week of January 7th-13th

This week in history there was a very significant events in the history of the united states and how we run our country. The other event that happened this week was a famous site in the united states that turned into a National Monument. The first Event just happened to be the first presidential election in United States history back in the 1700s. The second important event in this week was the Grand Canyon becoming a National Monument. This happend back in the early 1900s.

The First event was the First presidential election ever to take place which happened back on January 7th of 1789. The first presidential election was won George Washington and he was sworn into office on April 30 1789. As we know many things have changed since the first elections like the ballots becoming electronics, the amount of candidates that are allowed on the ballot, and what kind of ethnic races are allowed to run. At the first election it was said only white men who owned property were allowed to vote and run for the election. A lot has changed in these past 200 years.

 The second event that happened was the Grand Canyon becoming a National Monument on January 11th of 1908. The canyon was first sighted by the Europeans lead by Francisco Vasquez de Coronado back in 1540. By the 19th century the Grand Canyon generated thousands of tourists every day. Making this a National Monument would create the option to not allow any other people to build on this land. Theodore Roosevelt led the charge of this project and when it was all said and finished he said, "Let this great wonder of nature reamain as it is now.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

There was many events in the past week that made a huge difference in these previous weeks. Especially with Christmas just a few weeks ago there are two major events that happened. The first one I am going to talk about is on Christmas day with the Christmas Truce. The second event that i am going to talk about is The Radio City Hall opening up in New York.

The Christmas Truce was a rare event that shouldn't have happened, and probably never will again. On Christmas day, in world war 1, the German soldiers ceased all their firing and started an unforgettable act that would forever change the way people view the war. They started singing all kinds of Christmas carols. Later on that same day the Russians and Brittan's joined in the caroling.

Finally the last major event that happened in these past two weeks, happened on December 27th of 1932. The reason this was such a big deal was because it was at the height of the great depression. Radio City Music Hall was designed as a place for people could see great entertainment for cheap. Since its 1932 opening, over 200 million people have gone to Radio City to enjoy many things. The major event that I always watch at The Radio Music City Hall is the NFL draft. It is a special place to watch events.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This week in history was a slow moving week but an eventful one. The first event that happened this week was on December 10 of 1901. This day was when the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. The ceremony was 5 years after the death of Alfred Nobel. Notable winners have included Marie Curie, Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and Martin Luther King Jr.

The next event that happened this week came on December 13 of 2000. This was the mark of the legal dispute between Al Gore and George W. Bush  coming to an end. Al Gore was ruled the loser in the battle for presidency on this day by supreme court. In my opinion there should be no way that Al Gore should have won because of his beliefs and I didn't think he was the best person to run our country. Al Gore went into the race as a heavy favorite but ended up getting upset by George W. Bush by a small margin. It was so small of a margin that they went into legal battles because nobody exactly knew who won.

The final event in this post on my blog is the reaching of the South Pole. Ronald Amundsen was the first one to reach this historic landmark. It happened on December 14th of 1911 when he beat his rival competitor by the name of Robert Falcon Scott. It took a little over a year to make this milestone a reality for Amundsen which to me is something crazy that I would never think of doing. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On this week in history, a huge event occured that would change the entire nation, and world. This week marks the first text message sent and recieved. It was on December 3rd of 1992 that this text was sent. The text had two simple words to it but ones that would change the way we use technology forever. The two words were Merry Christmas. To me texting is a useful tool that is used far too much with us as a society lately and should be changed.

Washington MonumentThe next event that happend this week, was the Washington Monument was finally completed on December 6th, 1884. In 1832  a private Washington National Monument Society was formed to start the project to idolize the great Revolutionary War General known as George Washington. This is a monument that should have built well before this time in history, in my opinion. This monument took 36 years to complete. The construction started on July 4th, 1848 when they had only $230000 dollars when it was well short of the one million mark. When funds ran short during the civil war, construction was halted and no further progress was made until 1876. It was finally completed in 1884.

The most significant event that occured on this week in history was most likely the bombing of Pearl Harbor. At 7:55 on December 7th a Japanese plane broke through the clouds and bombed the Americans Naval base. This was one of the most devistating attacks the Americans encounterd in recent times. This eventually as we know striked our involvement in World War two. The whole reason to Japans Bombing was due to diplomatic negotiations breaking down between the two sides.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Week 2

On this week in history the Magellan reached the pacific. The Magellan was a ship that was sailed by the Europeans back on the 28 of November in 1519. There were 3 ships that sailed and only Magellan survived the long trip from Atlantic to the Pacific. The way he got through was his discovery of the only strait in the area. It is now called the strait of Magellan.

Another event that happend was in 2001 on December 2, Enron Corporation which was an Energy-Trading company filed for bancrupcy. This company which was based in Houston, Texas had filled for chapter 11 bancrupcy. Enron rose as high as number seven on Fortune magazine's list of the top 500 U.S. companies. In 2000, the company employed 21,000 people and posted revenue of $111 billion. Over the next year,  Enron's stock price began to slide, dropping from $90 in August 2000 to $0.26 by closing on November 30, 2001.

This became one of the biggest scandals in American history. A court, in 2003 indicted Skilling on 35 counts including fraud, conspiracy and insider trading. In other words they were in big trouble. This week in history was not the most intertaining but it was eventfull non the less and still had a big impact on history. Just like every day has a big impact on history.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This is my introduction to my blog that I have recently started. My blog, as you can see by the name, is about the events that happened in this week of history. I will be doing these weekly to inform the public about what has gone on every week in history. I may just put on one event or I may put on 5 events. Either way you can get informed by looking at this blog.

This week, as we all know is the great week of thanksgiving. This week marks the arrival of the pilgrims and puritans coming to the great land of America and bringing great traditions with it. Today’s national Thanksgiving celebration is a blend of two traditions: the New England custom of rejoicing after a successful harvest, based on ancient English harvest festivals; and the Puritan Thanksgiving, a solemn religious observance combining prayer and feasting.

Now days when we think of Thanksgiving we think about  images of football, family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, pumpkin pie. It gives the image of sitting on the couch and falling asleep from how full you get from it. This by far is my favorite holiday because of how much food there is to eat.