Wednesday, January 2, 2013

There was many events in the past week that made a huge difference in these previous weeks. Especially with Christmas just a few weeks ago there are two major events that happened. The first one I am going to talk about is on Christmas day with the Christmas Truce. The second event that i am going to talk about is The Radio City Hall opening up in New York.

The Christmas Truce was a rare event that shouldn't have happened, and probably never will again. On Christmas day, in world war 1, the German soldiers ceased all their firing and started an unforgettable act that would forever change the way people view the war. They started singing all kinds of Christmas carols. Later on that same day the Russians and Brittan's joined in the caroling.

Finally the last major event that happened in these past two weeks, happened on December 27th of 1932. The reason this was such a big deal was because it was at the height of the great depression. Radio City Music Hall was designed as a place for people could see great entertainment for cheap. Since its 1932 opening, over 200 million people have gone to Radio City to enjoy many things. The major event that I always watch at The Radio Music City Hall is the NFL draft. It is a special place to watch events.

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