Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Week 2

On this week in history the Magellan reached the pacific. The Magellan was a ship that was sailed by the Europeans back on the 28 of November in 1519. There were 3 ships that sailed and only Magellan survived the long trip from Atlantic to the Pacific. The way he got through was his discovery of the only strait in the area. It is now called the strait of Magellan.

Another event that happend was in 2001 on December 2, Enron Corporation which was an Energy-Trading company filed for bancrupcy. This company which was based in Houston, Texas had filled for chapter 11 bancrupcy. Enron rose as high as number seven on Fortune magazine's list of the top 500 U.S. companies. In 2000, the company employed 21,000 people and posted revenue of $111 billion. Over the next year,  Enron's stock price began to slide, dropping from $90 in August 2000 to $0.26 by closing on November 30, 2001.

This became one of the biggest scandals in American history. A court, in 2003 indicted Skilling on 35 counts including fraud, conspiracy and insider trading. In other words they were in big trouble. This week in history was not the most intertaining but it was eventfull non the less and still had a big impact on history. Just like every day has a big impact on history.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

This is my introduction to my blog that I have recently started. My blog, as you can see by the name, is about the events that happened in this week of history. I will be doing these weekly to inform the public about what has gone on every week in history. I may just put on one event or I may put on 5 events. Either way you can get informed by looking at this blog.

This week, as we all know is the great week of thanksgiving. This week marks the arrival of the pilgrims and puritans coming to the great land of America and bringing great traditions with it. Today’s national Thanksgiving celebration is a blend of two traditions: the New England custom of rejoicing after a successful harvest, based on ancient English harvest festivals; and the Puritan Thanksgiving, a solemn religious observance combining prayer and feasting.

Now days when we think of Thanksgiving we think about  images of football, family reunions, roasted turkey with stuffing, pumpkin pie. It gives the image of sitting on the couch and falling asleep from how full you get from it. This by far is my favorite holiday because of how much food there is to eat.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

As we know this week in history on Thursday marks the day that the settlers came over on a boat and now we eat lots of food and fall asleep watching football on TV.