Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This week in history was a slow moving week but an eventful one. The first event that happened this week was on December 10 of 1901. This day was when the first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in Stockholm, Sweden. The ceremony was 5 years after the death of Alfred Nobel. Notable winners have included Marie Curie, Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, and Martin Luther King Jr.

The next event that happened this week came on December 13 of 2000. This was the mark of the legal dispute between Al Gore and George W. Bush  coming to an end. Al Gore was ruled the loser in the battle for presidency on this day by supreme court. In my opinion there should be no way that Al Gore should have won because of his beliefs and I didn't think he was the best person to run our country. Al Gore went into the race as a heavy favorite but ended up getting upset by George W. Bush by a small margin. It was so small of a margin that they went into legal battles because nobody exactly knew who won.

The final event in this post on my blog is the reaching of the South Pole. Ronald Amundsen was the first one to reach this historic landmark. It happened on December 14th of 1911 when he beat his rival competitor by the name of Robert Falcon Scott. It took a little over a year to make this milestone a reality for Amundsen which to me is something crazy that I would never think of doing. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

On this week in history, a huge event occured that would change the entire nation, and world. This week marks the first text message sent and recieved. It was on December 3rd of 1992 that this text was sent. The text had two simple words to it but ones that would change the way we use technology forever. The two words were Merry Christmas. To me texting is a useful tool that is used far too much with us as a society lately and should be changed.

Washington MonumentThe next event that happend this week, was the Washington Monument was finally completed on December 6th, 1884. In 1832  a private Washington National Monument Society was formed to start the project to idolize the great Revolutionary War General known as George Washington. This is a monument that should have built well before this time in history, in my opinion. This monument took 36 years to complete. The construction started on July 4th, 1848 when they had only $230000 dollars when it was well short of the one million mark. When funds ran short during the civil war, construction was halted and no further progress was made until 1876. It was finally completed in 1884.

The most significant event that occured on this week in history was most likely the bombing of Pearl Harbor. At 7:55 on December 7th a Japanese plane broke through the clouds and bombed the Americans Naval base. This was one of the most devistating attacks the Americans encounterd in recent times. This eventually as we know striked our involvement in World War two. The whole reason to Japans Bombing was due to diplomatic negotiations breaking down between the two sides.